About Academic Life

Our top time management tips for balancing your student schedule
Midterms, assignments, exams, extracurriculars – how do we balance it all? This YU Blog explores tips and resources to manage your busy student schedule like a pro.
Supporting your student's university application journey: Tips for parents and supporters
Understanding the steps to apply to university and supporting your future student emotionally can make the journey to higher education smoother and less stressful. Here are ways you can guide your student to ensure a successful application.
Exchange: An academic adventure abroad!
Thinking about switching up your university routine? Going on exchange isn’t just about studying abroad- it’s about immersing yourself in a different culture, building lifelong connections and growing in unexpected ways!
Tips for a successful winter term
Whether you are a returning student, or just starting your York University journey, it is always important to prepare for upcoming terms. Explore resources built to help you put your best foot forward this term.
Work-life balance: York athlete edition
Take a sneak peek into a varsity athlete’s life at York.
Three strategies to use feedback to your advantage
I don’t know about you, but whether I do well in my assignments or not I’m always anxious about receiving feedback. This anxiety is natural, but feedback is an essential aspect of your university experience! Here are three strategies to use feedback to your advantage.
Four ways you can make the most of York’s resources
Find out about useful and fun York workshops and events
Six essential guides for York students
This post introduces you to six essential guides you can include in your toolkit for success.
Cool and fun courses at York
Check out our list of cool and fun courses at York!
Unique programs at York: Screenwriting
If you love stories and the language of the moving image is your thing, Screenwriting is for you! Find out more about the program in this post.
7 tools I use as a mature student/parent to get things done
Learn about tools for productivity and time management
Your guide to general education and elective courses
We know selecting general education and elective courses can sometimes be overwhelming, so we’re here to help!
How to get better grades: 7 places at York that will make you a better student
Learn where to get support for your academic success
End-of-term reflections: What if things aren’t working out?
The best way to know what worked and what didn’t is by reflecting on your academic term, and we’re here to help! Here's a list of reflection prompts to use as a jumping-off point to create your own questions.
Unique programs at York: English & Professional Writing
Do you love literature, writing and creating digital content? The English & Professional Writing (ENPR) program is perfect for you!
Navigating exam anxiety and stress: Get support on- and off-campus
Exam season is here! We're here to help you navigate this stressful time.
How to Prepare for your First Year at York and Accomplish Academic Success
Learn strategies and tips for your first year at York University.
Five ways the Writing Centre can help you with assignments
Here are five ways the Writing Centre can help you with assignments.
How to prepare for exams: Pro tips from upper-year students
Here are some exam tips from the pros!
Why you should participate in Experiential Education
Explore York’s Experiential Education (EE) opportunities to find the best fit for you. If you are unsure about EE, don’t worry. This YUBlog post will offer insights from a student perspective.
How I found out what is academic integrity and stopped worrying about it
The York University resources like the Writing Center are helpful tools in your education journey.
Unique programs at York: Integrative arts
Looking for unique programs at York? Explore the Integrative Arts program.
How to connect with course instructors
Connecting with your course instructors will help you academically and professionally, especially if they work in the field you’re interested in.
How to start a successful term
The first few weeks at York are an important time to settle into your courses and get into the flow of studying. Here are some tips on how to start a successful term.
How to Navigate the New eClass
If you are new to York, eClass is a platform where you can access all your coursework, readings, syllabi, assignments and deadlines. The platform may look different to you if you have used it before, but worry not, we’re here to help you navigate it like a pro.
Unique terms at York
To start your term successfully, we’re here to give you the lowdown on some of the terms you will frequently come across at York.
Top Six Transfer Student Resources
Check out insights from my own experiences and from other fellow transfer students.
Five pro-tips for enrolling in courses
Enrolling in courses can be overwhelming, so let’s work through this process together.
So, You're Thinking of Graduate Studies at York
If you want to pursue graduate studies, it’s time to start planning and getting all your ducks in a row!
My Approach to Work/Life Balance
I’m juggling between tasks all the time. But I’m having a lot of fun in my journey!
Reading, note-taking and study strategies that every university student must know
We are here today to let you in on some study secrets so that you don’t have to struggle.