Four ways you can make the most of York’s resources

Written by Boris Licina

During my time at York, I’ve attended many workshops and events that entertained me, advanced me academically, helped me with my career and helped me build transferable career skills while giving me confidence about future job opportunities. I still have many more workshops on my wish list, and I highly recommend that you check some out too! Here are some of my top picks for resources and workshops you can explore at York. 

Get a head start on planning your career

Explore and attend events hosted by the Career Centre as much as you can! They will help you in many aspects related to your career, like how to use LinkedIn to search for a job and network. I’ve attended both the one-on-one advising sessions and webinars, including Inspiring Ways to Explore Your Career Interests for Mature and Transfer Students and Resumé & Cover Letter Writing. They were insightful and helped me to understand the Canadian job market better. 

Pro tip: Find all upcoming events in the Career Centre’s calendar

Take care of your health and well-being

As busy students, it’s important for us to take care of our well-being. Student Counselling, Health and Well-being (SCHW) offers services like counselling, health resources and events and workshops each month that you can choose from. I attended a Teaching Kitchen cooking class, where we learned how to make Greek pasta salad with chickpeas and many useful nutrition tips! The emphasis was on students' well-being. 

Health Education & Promotion also has workshops where you can try out new activities, like mindful yoga or learn more about physical activity - both will help you take a break and decompress.  

Pro tip: Find events that will be beneficial for your health and well-being here

Take your academic skillset to the next level

It’s always a good time to upgrade your skillset, and York has lots of options for you to do just that! My weak side is presentations, and I am surely not a huge fan of them. But I’m excited to check out the Presentation Skills workshop by Learning Skills Services (LSS), which will help me tackle giving presentations. LSS has many other workshops that can help you advance academically, such as Effective Reading Strategies, Note-taking Essentials and Group Work. 

Pro tip: Check out the LSS calendar for a full list of workshops and events! 

Expand your knowledge with library workshops

York University Libraries have exciting workshops and events for undergraduate and graduate students that you can attend to enrich your understanding of many topics, from literature reviews to coding and even podcasting! My top choice would be their workshop about green screen lighting, where I would learn how to light a green screen for video and edit footage using DaVinci Resolve software.  

Pro tip: Find the complete list of York University Libraries events and workshops on their website.