Waiting to get into university can be one of the most nerve-wracking times. There's a lot of emotions that you're experiencing all at the same time, and it can feel a bit overwhelming. I used to check my email over three times a day when I first applied to York – the truth was that I just couldn't wait to get there! I had already started fantasizing about the life I was going to live in a new city; it was always on my mind. But at the same time, I had a few concerns about how much change I was going to experience over the next year. It was scary because at this point, I didn't know what was next for me. So, here are a few suggestions for staying busy and how to ease your anxiety while you wait to hear back.
Tips for staying busy
While you wait, there's a multitude of things you can do to keep yourself busy, like focusing on the things that make you happy or give you joy. The pursuit of this can provide you a lot of relief! Additionally, you could volunteer in your area, which can help you prepare and gain experience for your post-secondary journey ahead. I signed up to work at an animal shelter and honestly helping was a great way to fill my time and was very fulfilling.
Doing some research about your potential new school (or even new city) can also help get you excited to see where you’re going and the possibilities of the new life you’re about to have. So, don't feel like you have to ignore these feelings in the meantime – you are also allowed to get excited about it.
Resources for support
You may have a lot of questions that you’d like answers to. You can check out the York University Admissions FAQ page for more information and to ease your mind. If you're looking for one-on-one or in-person services, you can connect with an advisor, attend one of our Fall Campus Days, Spring Open Houses or campus tours to see York for yourself and stay engaged with the university.
Pro tip: Check out our Future Students Events page for frequent updates about what's happening across our campuses.
What’s next?
The wait might feel long, but it will all be worth it in the end. Everyone ends up where they are supposed to be and I'm sure you will find the right place for you. Waiting is normal and the timelines do vary – so don't worry! Stay updated and remember to check your emails.
Pro tip: Check out our Future Students Applied webpage for more specific information about MyFile, submitting documents and FAQs.
During my wait, I learned the importance of waiting expectantly and preparing yourself, so that when everything eventually falls into place you will be ready to tackle it. Aside from that, don’t forget to enjoy the current phase of your life and where you're at – there is exciting change on the way, but be present. And if you're ever worried, our support system is always here to answer your questions and give you more information.