Make it your goal to learn about the UNSDGs this March

Written by Mary Dytyniak

Did you know that March is SDG Month Canada? Wondering what that means? 

Depending on your area of study and campus activities, you may already be familiar with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) that drive initiatives throughout the month.  

Either way, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you need to know about SDG Month Canada and how you can get involved!

What is SDG Month Canada?

SDG Month Canada is part of a national collaboration featuring workshops, panels and other programming to increase awareness of and engagement with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on campuses.

March 1 to 31, 2025 marks the first SDG Month (formerly SDG Week Canada) and includes International SDG Action & Awareness Week from March 3 to 7, 2025.

What are the UNSDGs?

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a road map for countries to ensure peace and prosperity for people and the planet, by focusing on improving health and education, reducing inequality, growing the economy, preserving our oceans and forests and addressing climate change.

The 17 goals were first adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.

Is SDG Month Canada important?

Yes! SDG Month Canada is all about raising awareness and inciting action in support of sustainable development. Calling on governments, institutions and corporations to enact real, impactful change requires individual and collective effort.

York University is committed to the SDGs and is recognized in Canada and around the world for its social and economic impact.

What can I do?

As a York student and community member, you can take action! Whether it’s during SDG Month Canada in March or any other day of the year, there are so many ways you can show your support, get involved and learn more.

1. Participate in York’s SDG Month Canada campus events

Attend events including the Office of Sustainability’s Swap and Share, Seed Planting Workshop and SDG Sustainability Jeopardy, as well as Inclusion Week, Winter Well-being Week and York Spirit Day. 

2. Explore SDG-focused opportunities at York

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Student Hub: Learn, engage and act on the SDGs with like-minded students at York. In partnership with United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, you’ll tackle racial, Indigenous and environmental justice and equity.  

C4: The Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom: Develop research, design and problem-solving skills to tackle real-world challenges with social impact. If you join C4 in the Summer term (May 12 to 30, 2025), you’ll earn 3.0 credits in three weeks and participate in Capstone Day, where project partners, mentors and the York community celebrate students’ SDG-related projects.

Office of Sustainability: York offers many sustainability initiatives for students looking to help make a difference on and off campus: 

YU Connect: York’s student clubs and organizations focused on sustainability and the SDGs are a great way to actively contribute to environmental and social causes. 

3. Learn more about sustainability and the SDGs

Microlecture Series in Sustainable Living: Watch free “micro lectures” online from York’s academic experts on sustainability topics. Complete all six videos to become a Sustainable Living Ambassador and receive your Digital Badge in Sustainable Living to share on social media. 

SDGs in the Classroom: York offers 1900+ courses relevant to the SDGs. Check out what classes you can take!  

SDG Month Canada is an opportunity to learn, explore and engage in moving our planet forward. Learn more about SDG Month Canada and how your university is contributing on York's SDG website